- Our Values
- How we do business
- Energy
- Water
- Nature preservation
- Plants
- Animals
- Climate action
- Plastic
- Fairtrade
- Recycling
- Medical pledge
- Energy pledge
Issues we care about
Our Commitments
Our Values
We are striving to achieve sustainable corporate management based on the fundamental principle of joint prosperity for all those involved in our business: employees, customers, suppliers, community and neighbors alike. We are a socially responsible company who recognizes the need for professional and reliable leaders in today’s society.
Indeed, in addition to a world health crisis, we are aware that all peoples throughout the world are currently facing multiple deep crises, including economic uncertainty. More than ever, our society needs the guidance of great leaders. At iGreen, we do not pretend to be great, but we share the willingness to confront challenges.
We believe that with great crises come great opportunities to build a better world. Any one of us, on this planet, is capable of contributing to this improvement. For us, the most important thing is not what we are, but what we choose to be. Our company leads by example and has been founded on fundamental values and a clear vision.
Our mission is to provide medical cannabis products to improve the lives of patients, while being a responsible and sustainable pharmaceutical company.
We understand that no company can survive without making money. Thankfully, we are operating in a promising industry. Our team is entirely composed of experts and totally devoted to medical cannabis. We are confident that our products will be very appreciated by our patients. We believe that our future annual financial reports will speak for themselves. Nonetheless, we do not want to be judged only on our financial performance but on our commitment to environment and social improvements as well.
How we do business
iGreen is a vertically integrated sustainable pharmaceutical company. Having all our activities under one roof provides us with many benefits, such as increased competitivity, a reduced transport footprint, more flexibility, better control over our processes and supply chain. Our commitments can be summed up in the following three points, which guide our strategy and decision making:
Economic commitments
They drive us to manage our company on a long-term financial sustainability basis, by increasing value for our stakeholders and consumers and by expanding the opportunities for development and for career growth. Our commitment compels us to uphold the highest ethical and sustainability standards in the preparation of our cannabis-based products for medical use. This philosophy underlies our entire business, from the sourcing of seeds and our cultivation methodologies to the extraction of concentrates in our lab and through the various phases in our harvesting, packaging, extracting, manufacturing and distribution processes.
Social commitments
They require us to adopt a corporate culture that is innovative, open, transparent and engaging: our social responsibility is meant to make the world a better place for all people. We stress the importance of gender equality and non-discrimination, and want to ensure equal opportunities and equal pay in the workplace. We are committed to working within our community to develop a regular apprenticeship program and build a diversified workforce. These factors allow us to offer an innovative and holistic approach to both building our business and bringing valued employment to our community.
Environment commitments
They are highlighted by our dedication to an environmentally sustainable production and to developing our expertise across all facets of our industry. At iGreen, we want our ecological footprint to be as low as possible: this is why we are working towards reducing and limiting waste from our operations. Environmental issues are a key performance indicator in our way of doing business, and we report on our progress annually.

Energy "Energy is the engine that drives us forward"
Energy is the driving force of our economies and our growth. We firmly believe in the potential and importance of renewable energy sources as an investment for our future, especially in wind power, hydroelectric energy and solar energy, the last of which is the cleanest and most accessible energy source in the world.
We have installed various solar panels on the rooftop and walls of our factory in order to provide lighting for the cultivation of our plants while diminishing our electricity consumption and saving money. By doing this, we will also reduce gas emissions and therefore our carbon footprint on the planet. We believe that the future will be characterized by the rise of the renewable energy business and ecofriendly technologies. Investing in green technologies will in fact create positive benefits in the longer term both for the environment and for our business growth.
To support projects aimed at developing and boosting the use of solar energy systems, we have decided to donate solar panels and raw materials to different organizations in Africa such as ECHOS d’Afrique, Association AccEd, and Foundation PVSYST, which promote sustainable growth and development for small local communities (see our involvement in the section below – Commitments).

Water "No water means no life at all"
Water is the most precious resource on Earth, at the base of every form of life. iGreen is committed to a sustainable use of water. We give our utmost attention to the correct management of water resources through a series of small actions like the installation of rainwater collection systems on our factory rooftop. In order to preserve the quality of Henniez groundwater – the place where our production is based – and to give our contribution to the global water issue, we always filter our waste water before it is discharged into the sewers. Even though Switzerland is known as the “water tower of Europe” (it is home to about 6% of Europe’s freshwater reserves), we are aware of the value and scarcity of this precious resource at the global level, and want to make sure that unnecessary freshwater waste is avoided.
In our production, we rely on hydroponics to grow our plants, a cultivation system that is only based on the use of water. This allows plants to grow more rapidly, as they absorb nutrients and oxygen directly from the water without having to put any energy into searching the nutrition to support themselves, and requires less water and a smaller space than by using soil. In this way, plants are also protected from many risk factors and obstacles associated with diseases and wildlife.

Nature Preservation "The best way to leave a trace of our passage is to leave none"
Nature provides us with abundant resources. Some of them are vital for our survival, others enrich our existence or facilitate our work. We are profoundly grateful for nature’s variety and the abundance of goods it gives us, and believe it is our duty to preserve and nurture the planet in our turn. We want to have the lowest impact possible on our surrounding environment and leave the various existing forms of animal and vegetable life untouched.

Plants "Using our expertise in phytotherapy to support positive change not only makes sense – it makes our mission"
Plants have always been employed for their therapeutic and medical virtues. We truly believe in the healing power of medicinal herbs in conjunction with the practices of traditional medicine. Our specialization in medical cannabis derives from a strong interest in phytotherapy, a sciencebased medical practice which explores the use of natural extracts as medicines or healthpromoting agents. Our primary aim is to implement the use of naturally occurring substances with their specific effects to treat or limit the causes and/or symptoms of a disease. We want to make sure that herbal remedies have the best effect possible and bring about an extra benefit for those who wish to use them.
Humans may have cultivated cannabis for longer than any other known plant. It has been grown for fiber, medicine and inebriation for at least 12.000 years. Our goal today is to use the healing properties of this plant for medical purposes to cure a wide range of disorders. Raw cannabis plant materials will be processed and transformed into medicinal products that can be prescribed by health professionals according to the patients’ specific needs.

Animals "Animals have the same right to live as human beings"
At iGreen Swiss, we stand up for the protection of wildlife, endangered species and the rights of animals in general. We are opposed to the exploitation and ill-treatment of animals solely for testing purposes. Also, special attention is given to our pet friends at home (cats, dogs, birds, and pets of any type whatsoever), for which the use of Cannabidiol is thought to be effective in some specific situations. However, it must be noted that high-THC cannabis concentrations may cause harm and disorientation to animals, as they have more CBD receptors in their endocannabinoid system, so it is always important to accurately balance the percentage of THC and CBD and ask a veterinarian for advice.
We believe that animals have the same right to live and be respected as all humans. That is why we further the causes promoted by the WWF, which bring together the well-being of wildlife, people and nature.

Climate Action "If we do not change course now, we risk missing the point where we can avoid runaway climate change, with disastrous consequences for people and all the natural systems that sustain us"
At iGreen, we take this warning very seriously. We are committed to protect the planet from degradation, including through sustainable consumption and production, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change, so it can support the needs of the present and future generations. We are aware of the future benefits linked to the commitment of reducing our environmental footprint. It's not just an environmental concern; it is also an issue of social and economic justice.

Plastic pollution has fast become a major problem of our times, and now represents an existential threat to marine life as we know it, to human health and to nature. Plastics dumped into the environment, oceans and seas pollute water, air and soil, as well as the entire natural food chain. Over time, most plastics found in the oceans and lakes break into very small pieces known as “microplastics”. These can be mistaken by aquatic animals, fish and birds for food and cause their death by asphyxiation. What is more, microplastics can make their way into the food chain and end up on our tables and in our bodies through contaminated water, seafood and salt. To avoid all this, we are committed to using only biodegradable or recyclable materials in our production and packaging processes in order to ensure that our environmental footprint is as low as possible.
Plastic Oceans
We support Plastic Oceans, a non-profit organization which is at the forefront of several vital initiatives to rethink the production, use and management of plastic materials. These include the promotion of water refilling stations and reusable plastic and aluminum bottles in a drive to limit the proliferation of waste materials polluting our seas, and a number of projects to protect critically endangered sea species such as sea turtles, whales and dolphins.

FAIRTRADE "Fair-trade is about making sure that everyone gets a fair piece of the pie"
The whole concept of fair trade goes to the very heart of our values and of the ethical concept of right and wrong. At iGreen, we do not buy anything that was made by exploiting foreign workers or minors in poor working conditions. Fairtrade supports small local farmers looking to form cooperatives in order to strengthen their negotiating position in the international market. This in turn can help alleviate poverty and improve education and healthcare systems in some of the poorest areas of the world. The specificity of the fair-trade market is that it takes into account all economic actors that are involved in the supply chain, from the producers through the workers and employees to the consumers. Fairtrade labelling and standards ensure that the products respect specific social, economic and ecological criteria that are intended to promote the creation of trade union organizations, to improve working conditions and standards of living, and to abolish child labor and gender discrimination.
Max Havelaar
We strongly support the objectives and values of Fairtrade to promote the fair and equitable trading of commodities and raw materials, and have supported the organization’s Swiss arm, Max Havelaar, in particular. We are not willing to compromise on our values in any aspect of our business, and will only select Max Havelaar’s certified products for our employees’ needs, including the coffee, tea and sugar used in the cafeteria and the cotton overalls worn by the cultivation staff.

RECYCLING "The planet is not a dustbin – let's safeguard it"
The preservation of a clean, safe and green environment is one of our priorities. For this reason, efficient recycling processes have been integrated in all our areas of activity: from seed preparation to product processing and packaging. All materials we use during the different phases of our production will be recycled in designated facilities or reused. Our activity itself allows us to minimize waste, since we use most of our plants. Any plant residue (from the roots to the branches) is then transformed into oils or balms. In our manufacturing process we only make use of biodegradable materials such as recycled paper, recycled plastics or bioplastics. Maybe you have already heard of the rule of the 3 Rs (Reduce – Reuse – Recycle): by applying it, we can significantly reduce our negative impact and improve waste management. It really makes a big difference to recycle and use recycled products, so the contribution of each of us is significant. Recycling has a multitude of benefits: not only does it reduce the amount of waste materials ending up in landfills and incinerators while preventing pollution, but it also increases economic security and helps create new jobs in the growing recycling industry.

Endometriosis is an often painful condition which can affect women of all ages. Common symptoms of the disease are moderate to intense pelvic pain and cramps, excessive bleeding, and in some severe cases infertility. Some women affected by this disorder also experience fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, bloating or nausea, in addition to emotional distress. Many of them report an increase in the intensity of perceived pain over time. So far, possible treatments were only surgery or hormone therapy, but they are not always effective. Many women denounce the fact that medicines and painkillers cause considerable side effects over time, and stress the need to be able to access a natural remedy for pain that is both effective and safe. Rafael Maldonado, Professor at the University Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona, affirmed that “women with endometriosis usually rely on self-management strategies like dietary changes or exercise. Although cannabis comes with a large number of potential side effects, its medicinal properties could provide pain relief for this and other conditions”.
A recent study has pointed out that cannabinoid compounds might be effective at treating pain in women suffering with endometriosis and has opened the way for new clinical research. It has been shown that cannabinoids could treat endometriosis by stopping cell proliferation and desensitizing nerves that transmit pain. THC seems to limit the development and symptoms of this condition, so it could be of interest for specialists and gynaecologists who care for women with endometrial pain.
S-Endo is a Swiss Association that provides information and advice on endometriosis, a painful condition which afflicts one in every ten women. We give our full support to this association and want to improve the lives of the women affected by it. In fact, endometriosis not only causes pain and damage to vital organs in the reproductive (vagina, ovaries, uterus) and digestive system, resulting in nausea, bloating, pain in the colon, intestines, etc., but it can also affect daily life activities and lead patients to develop depressive symptoms or anxiety, thus compromising social interactions, and their professional and personal lives as well. There are multiple indications that treatment with medical cannabis may alleviate some of the symptoms associated with endometriosis. The endometrium tissue present outside of the uterus can cause violent bleeding which can be addressed by the CBD-molecule with its anti-inflammatory properties. Several studies have indeed demonstrated the actual analgesic effects of CBD, which provide relief where conventional painkillers are not or no longer effective. A recent study underlined the effectiveness of cannabinoids for pain relief in women suffering from this condition. In Spain, the results were taken as a solid rationale for launching a new clinical trial in order to evaluate the possible benefits of THC in women with endometrial pain. Our team of specialists is currently working on new products that can possibly help and relieve the pain of women who suffer from this disease.
Alzheimer’s & Dementia
Random studies on the treatment of dementia patients by means of cannabinoids are ongoing and have yielded promising results to date. This is a potentially huge market for medical marijuana products, and developments are being closely monitored by the worldwide medical community. For the worst cases of chronic dementia – Alzheimer’s disease included – no treatment so far has been proven effective in slowing or stopping its progression. Yet there are some drug treatments which may temporarily stop Alzheimer’s symptoms such as memory loss, language troubles and problem-solving abilities from worsening. Some symptoms may even respond to THC cannabis treatment, among them sleep disorders, anxiety and paranoia, dysphoria, weight loss and pain. A number of studies presented by the National Center for Biotechnology Information of Maryland (U.S.) suggest that the CBD content of cannabis may be useful in suppressing the main causal factors of Alzheimer’s disease: usually a combination of age, genetic and lifestyle factors. They also suggest that a combined treatment with CBD and THC could be more useful than using either component alone in combatting or limiting the effects of the disease. The World Alzheimer’s Report 2018 found that about 50 million people worldwide lived with dementia in 2018. This number is projected to increase to more than 150 million by 2050. Nearly 60% of people with dementia currently live in low- and middle-income countries and most new cases are expected to occur in those countries. A wide range of studies have suggested that medical cannabis may be effective for treating agitation, disinhibition, irritability and a variety of other neuropsychiatric symptoms associated with dementia. This field alone could represent a huge potential market for medical cannabis which, given its natural origin, is also less likely to compromise other age-related treatments the patients may be undergoing. This notwithstanding, more research is needed to understand the long-term effects of assuming cannabis and whether it is an effective method for addressing dementia.
We support the work that is being done by FEGEMS (Fédération Genevoise des Etablissements Médico-Sociaux), a non-profit organization based in Geneva whose members are engaged in the elderly care sector. We have followed with interest the study5 conducted by UNIGE and the EMS les Tilleuls concerning the use of cannabis in the treatment of conditions that largely affect the older members of society. After having received cannabis-based treatments, several residents of the facility have shown signs of improvement (tension relief in the body, reduction in pain and anxiety that many patients used to experience daily). In the words of Mauro Poggia, the head of Geneva's Health Department and medical social establishments: "The prescription of medical cannabis is visibly positive for pathologies such as dementia or spasmodicity, which do not always respond to traditional palliative care.” He noted that the treatments prescribed were regulated by the Geneva University Hospital and Switzerland’s Public Health Ministry, which means they are completely legal and regularly supervised.

In conjunction with the three organizations presented below, we have undertaken a project which will provide raw materials for the production of solar panels along with technical know-how to Dakar in Senegal. Ultimately, the project will enable the community to install the solar power system in a way that meets its most pressing needs. We are currently arranging for a shipment of one ton of solar panel raw materials to be sent to the Senegal foundation by the end of this year. We are going to give our contribution to the project on a 2-year term so as to train future professionals in the field.
ECHOS d’Afrique
Echos d’Afrique is an organization that supports local communities in Africa to develop projects to manage their own resources and claim back their own rights in a way that is most beneficial to their local populations and economies. The projects supported by this group are designed to work progressively towards technological and financial selfsustainability through the access to materials and production means, healthcare services, water and food, education, etc. The organization aims at increasing development aid measures and policies in relation to the work done by NGOs, national and international organizations, and institutions. Development aid is considered to be an efficient tool only if it is complementary to the efforts of the local communities and national organizations, hence the support for those local initiatives that help to develop community empowerment by mobilizing domestic resources first and foremost.
Association AccEd
This association works towards creating a broader access to technological training and advancement. In Senegal, it supports PROMESS, a group which seeks to develop the use of solar energy technology locally. PROMESS supports the schooling and training of technicians and the financing of entrepreneurs in the solar energy industry, especially in rural areas. Senegal, in fact, wants to increase its renewable energy production and consumption from 10% to 25% by 2025. In order to achieve this, training and professional education for technical operators in the solar sector are essential and also represent an opportunity to boost the economy, create new jobs and improve living conditions for the local population.
Foundation PVSYST
EThis foundation supports several projects which seek to address the complex challenges linked to land use and energy while promoting sustainable development and local autonomy among populations in developing countries. It aspires to encourage economic development and professional education especially in the fields of energy, water, hygiene and sanitation. Importance is given to small-scale projects involving the access to basic goods and services and guaranteeing a certain degree of sharing and redistribution of profits.